The meaning of PARTNERSHIP is the state of being a partner : participation. How to use partnership in a sentence.
Legal Definition partnership noun part·ner·ship : an association of two or more persons or entities that conduct a business for profit as co-owners see also Uniform Partnership Act compare corporation, joint venture, sole proprietorship Note: Except in civil law as practiced in Lou...
1 The Uniform Partnership Act defines a partnership as "an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for a profit." The partnership came into being us an evolutionary outgrowth of the proprietorship by correcting stone of tile disadvantages of that ownership for...
The definition of a partnership under the Partnership Act 1890, s.1 begins 'Partnership is the relation which subsists between persons...'. Which three of the following phrases are needed to complete that definition? A. 'At least 5 in number'B. 'A view of profit'C. 'An agreement in...
the business form eventually developed into the common-law partnership. England enacted its Partner-ship Act in 1890, and legal experts in the United States drafted a Uniform Partnership Act (UPA) in 1914. Every state has adopted some form of the UPA as its partnership statute; some states, ...
The term partnership, is used to mean a business structure wherein two or more individuals, come together for undertaking a lawful business and have agreed to share the profits and losses arising from it.
Define Partnership Event. has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 5.12(b)(viii)(F)(1).
Partnership creation, liabilities, assets, andfiduciary dutiesare also governed by the Uniform Partnership Act. Understanding the Uniform Partnership Act (UPA) The implementation of the UPA operates as a statute, which is a rule passed by legislators as opposed to government agencies. The Uniform Pa...
A limited partnership was formed under the Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act with several general partners and several limited partners. In order to admit a new limited partner, what written approval is needed? A. All of the general partners. B. All of the general and limited partners. ...
读音:英['pɑːtnəʃɪp] 美['pɑrtnɚʃɪp] partnership 基本解释 n. 伙伴关系;合伙人身份;合作关系;合营公司 partnership 词性变化 名词复数形式:partnerships 词组短语 1、Public-Private Partnership公私合营模式;合营;公私协力;公私合伙;政府和市场的密切合作 ...