obligations and power of each partner of the firm. the salary and commission if applicable that is payable to partners. the process of admission or retirement of a partner. the method used for calculating goodwill. the procedure that must be followed in cases of dispute arising between partners...
it is taxed as a “pass-through” unit, where profits and losses are passed on by the company to individual partners. Shareholders tax their share of profit (or deduct their share of losses) on their individual tax returns. The deed of partnership...
12CopyofPartnershipdeedattestedbythepartners 13DemandDraft/Payorder/atparchequedrawninfavourof“NCDEXLTD”payable atMumbaitowardsmembershipfeesanddeposits 14EducationQualificationcertificate/ExperienceCertificateofallpartnersSelf CertifiedandattestedbyCA 15CopyofPANCardofallpartnersattestedbyCA/GazettedOfficer/or...