The study piloted an intimate partner violence (IPV) screening tool for use with female patients by professional nurses in primary health facilities. Utilising a one group, pre-test post-test design, one hundred and twenty-eight participants completed the pre-test measure (all females; age range...
screening toolshealth professionalsPurpose: Women who experience abuse from intimate partners often identify healthcare practitioners as potential sources of support. However, assessment toolsWalton, Lori MariaMilliner, SarahMuvuti, FaithSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Accurately identifying victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) can be a challenge for clinicians and clinical researchers. Multiple instruments have been developed and validated to identify IPV in patients presenting to health care practitioners, including the Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) and the...
domestic violence- violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner; usually violence by men against women violence,force- an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists); "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence...
This study compared rates of intimate partner violence reports on a new, empirically-developed screening tool completed by 385 women in 2007 to those from an older tool completed by 420 women in 2006. Data were obtained from randomly selected medical charts across three health center locations, wh...
a Forest plot of (“any” type of) intimate partner violence against women prevalence pooled by instrument used for assessment in standardized tool, specifically created questions, or other, between-study variance, τ2 = 0.00609. I2: Standardized tool = 98.63%, p = 0.00; Created...
Intimate partner rape;Intimate partner sexual violence;Sexual coercion;Sexual IPV Definition Intimate Partner The term intimate partner refers to a current or former romantic or sexual partner, irrespective of gender, which may involve any living situation or marital status. Reference to intimate partners...
Everypatientshouldbescreenedforintimatepartnerviolenceduringeachhealthcareencounter.Healthcaresettingsshouldhaveawell-testedscreeningtoolavailableforcaregivers,aswellassignsineachwaitingroomandrestroomidentifyingresourcesfortheabused,suchastelephonehotlinesandregionalshelters.If apatientscreenspositiveforabuse,morecompleteasses...
Intimate partner violence has many negative health associations which increase the importance of screening and awareness in the hospital setting. With all of this information, it seems ethically correct to screen patients for IPV. However, it is not always current practice. Currently there is no sta...
Intimate partner violencePrevalenceCommunity-based interventionsThis study determined prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization among female clients at three hair salons in Connecticut using an anonymous tablet based screening tool. While many may assume that women receive services at hair ...