When working with a large table, table partitioning divides the table into several subsets of data based on the given criteria and helps the database system to process one partition instead of scanning the whole table. That helps with the performance matter. In MySQL, there are four partitioning...
官方文档:MySQL 参考手册 - 26.2 Partitioning Types 返回值类型:PT_part_type_def 对象 备选规则和 Bison 语法如下: 备选规则规则含义 opt_linear KEY_SYM opt_key_algo 解析Key Partition 分区类型。使用 Key Partition 分区时,只需要提供一个或多个分区字段(可以包含非整数值),由 MySQL 服务器提供哈希函数计...
4.8 不支持spatial column types。 4.9 临时表不能被分区。 mysql>CREATETemporaryTABLE t1->( idINTNOTNULL,-> uidINTNOTNULL,->PRIMARY KEY(id)->)-> PARTITION BY RANGE(id)->(PARTITION p0VALUES LESS THAN(5)ENGINE= MyISAM,-> PARTITION p1VALUES LESS THAN(10)ENGINE= MyISAM->); ERROR1562(HY00...
as the first builds of the MySQL 5.1 hits the street. The MySQL 5.1 is already now source downloadable, most of the commands above already exists there, however not in its optimised version yet. This code is just entering the review stage. ...
Note In MySQL 5.7, all partitions of a partitioned table must have the same number of subpartitions, and it is not possible to change the subpartitioning once the table has been created. To change a table's partitioning scheme, it is necessary only to use theALTER TABLEstatement with apar...
Statements using partition selection can be employed with tables using any of the partitioning types supported in MySQL 5.7. When a table is created using [LINEAR] HASH or [LINEAR] KEY partitioning and the names of the partitions are not specified, MySQL automatically names the partitions p0, p1...
Hash分区:对用户定义的表达式所返回的值来进行分区。可以写partitions (分区数目),或直接使用分区语句,比如partition p0 values in…..。 Key分区:与hash分区类似,只不过分区支持一列或多列,并且MySQL服务器自身提供hash函数。 具体描述: 分区语法: create table t(id int,name varchar(20)) engine=myisam partiti...
mysql> alter table example_db.expamle_list_tbl add partition p_uk VALUES IN ("L"); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) 查询分区。 mysql> show partitions from example_db.expamle_list_tbl; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---...
as the first builds of the MySQL 5.1 hits the street. The MySQL 5.1 is already now source downloadable, most of the commands above already exists there, however not in its optimised version yet. This code is just entering the review stage. ...