hive>>frompartition_test_input>insertoverwritetablepartition_test partition (stat_date='20110526',province='liaoning')>selectmember_id,namewherestat_date='20110526'andprovince='liaoning'>insertoverwritetablepartition_test partition (stat_date='20110728',province='sichuan')>selectmember_id,namewherestat_d...
into table tablename partition(分区字段1='分区值1', 分区字段2='分区值2'...); 1. 2. 直接将文件数据导入到分区表。其实就是将文件导入对应的文件夹下 例子: load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/archer.txt' into table t_all_hero_part partition(role='sheshou'); load data local inpath '...
hive>>frompartition_test_input>insertoverwritetablepartition_test partition (stat_date='20110526',province='liaoning')>selectmember_id,namewherestat_date='20110526'andprovince='liaoning'>insertoverwritetablepartition_test partition (stat_date='20110728',province='sichuan')>selectmember_id,namewherestat_d...
a、单分区建表语句:create table day_table (id int, content string) partitioned by (dt string);单分区表,按天分区,在表结构中存在id,content,dt三列。 b、双分区建表语句:create table day_hour_table (id int, content string) partitioned by (dt string, hour string);双分区表,按天和小时分区,...
Hive分区partition详解 Hive分区更方便于数据管理,常见的有时间分区和业务分区。 下面我们来通过实例来理解Hive分区的原理; 一、单分区操作 1.创建分区表 create table t1( id int ,name string ,hobby array<string> ,add map<String,string> ) partitioned by (pt_d string) ...
I have to partition the table in hive with a column which is also part of the table. For eg: Table: employee Columns: employeeId, employeeName, employeeSalary I have to partition the table using employeeSalary. So I write the following query: CREATE TABLE employee (employeeId INT, employee...
I have a Hive table which was created by joining data from multiple tables. The data for this resides in a folder which has multiple files ("0001_1" , "0001_2", ... and so on). I need to create a partitioned table based on a date field in this table called pt_dt (eith...
hive表的数据有时会发生partition还在,但是数据已经被删除了的情况。为了找出这些partition,并删除数据已经不存在的partition,做了几个小的脚本。 先列出所有的partition. 在mysql中建立一个表,用来存储partition检查的结果。 status: -1:未知 0:不存在 1:存在 2:dropped ...
has been changed as of version 2.2.0 (HIVE-14909) so that a managed table's HDFS location is moved only if the table is created without a LOCATION clause and under its database directory. Hive versions prior to 0.6 just renamed the table in the metastore without moving the HDFS location...
* Note: For Table Functions and Windowing clauses a Query with just a distribute by clause is treated as a Partition Specification where the Input rows are partitioned by the columns in the distribute by clause and rows in a Partition are sorted on the partition columns. So the cluster by...