fastboot flash recovery recovery.img 如果设备报告 partition [recovery] doesn't exist,则可能需要尝试其他分区名称或检查设备是否支持该分区。 总结 遇到failed (remote: 'partition does not exist') 错误时,首先需要确认错误信息来源,然后分析可能导致分区不存在的原因,并根据设备的实际情况进行修复或调整配置。最...
FAILED (remote: 'partition does not exist') error: Command faile Y9zel 编辑于 2023年11月20日 02:08 小米/红米在刷写面具时遇见如下错误 FAILED (remote: 'partition does not exist') 执行fastboot reboot fastboot后再重新执行原指令 fastbootmagisk 分享至 投诉或建议 评论15 赞与转发...
Does anyone know if I cannot boot into fastbootd and only boot into fastboot, am I still able to create a partition? It seems this device is boot looped. I haven't been able to boot into recovery. I can only get fastboot and EDL modes. Stock firmware is not available. Upvote 0 Down...
2:2>Start Cmd:FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev sata 2:2>Okay 2:2>Start Cmd:FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc 2:2>Okay 2:2>Start Cmd:FB: flash bootloader0 0x400000000x200partition does not exist2:2>Fail partition does not exist �[?25hPS D:___560023_...
Fastboot does not require USB debugging to access the device. Hence, like recovery mode, it can be used to gain access to thedevice's data. Once the new recovery partition is available, the device should be rebooted into recovery mode and forensic imaging can take place. ...