add order matters. Reviewing 0002: - Commit message typos: behavious, corresponsing - Given the change to the header comment of createPartitionTable, it's rather surprising to me that this patch doesn't touch the documentation. Isn't that a big change in semantics? - My previous review ...
Obviously the persons most suited for the purpose would be those who have made the Qur’an and hadith their lifelong study, namely, among the Sunnies, the ulama, and among the Shias, the mujtahids who are the spokesmen of the hidden Imam, the ruler de jure divino. The function of ...
I called my friend on the phone about various matters and while I spoke to him I told him about the prog I was using incidentally and what I had done in the last 24hrs to try and retrieve the data. I selected quick scan chuckling that a quick scan would hardly be worth it as IF ...
As you can clearly see the partition sector is of primary importance in the boot sequence. Without it nothing happens. In the future there may be ways to overcome the use of a partition sector, one would be to store the partition entry data in the BIOS, this would eliminate boot sector ...
Yet in some areas (namely, matters concerning the church and foreign policy), the communists trod lightly during this transition period. The test of strength between Mikołajczyk and the PPR first occurred during the referendum of 1946—the results of which, favorable to Mikołajczyk, were ...