This study aims to explore the historical evolution of the concepts of ideology and partisanship since the 1950s in American politics. In doing so, in the first place, the main theoretical and empirical studies of the major scholars in the field will be discussed by...
Modern American politics is filled with partisanship, legalized corruption and extremism. On this site you will find articles on a variety of subjects and points of view that are not normally portrayed in the corporate media--don’t expect any sugar-coat
Baumgartner FR, Jones BD (1993) Agendas and instability in American politics. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Google Scholar Bayes R, Druckman JN (2021) Motivated reasoning and climate change. Curr Opin Behav Sci 42:27–35. Bhatti S, Jone...
The success of the Act to remove official obstacles to voting is undeniable, and the influx of African American voters into the political system changed the nature of politics in the United States at all levels. The political and cultural context has changed so greatly that in 2006, it was ...
In this article we evaluate two claims made in recent studies of the welfare states of advanced industrial societies: first, that welfare states have remained quite resilient in the face of demands for retrenchment; and second, that partisan politics have ceased to play a decisive role in their...
Methods I conducted randomized laboratory experiments in which respondents read information about the state of partisanship in American politics, viewed videos of President Obama, and then answered questions about issues and presidential approval. Results The results show that when participants were primed ...
2.Biased in support of a party, group, or cause:partisan politics. [French, from Old French, from Old Italian dialectalpartisano, variant of Old Italianpartigiano, fromparte,part, from Latinpars, part-; seepart.] par′ti·san·ship′n. ...
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2025 par•ti•san1/ˈpɑrtəzən, -sən/USA pronunciationn.[countable] Governmenta believer in, or follower of, a person or cause, esp. one who shows an unthinking loyalty. ...
These findings support and extend immigration backlash theory, contribute to research on affective polarization, and document consequential trends in contemporary American politics. 展开 关键词: Xenophobia Donald Trump Political polarization Affective polarization Immigration backlash ...
This dynamic is plausible in a low information environment, where voters are poorly informed about actual government actions, and instead often rely on media portrayals and campaign rhetoric about party politics and government action (Iyengar & Kinder, 2010; Flynn et al., 2017). This study ...