Israel moves to outlaw Palestinian political parties in the KnessetJonathan Cook
As an ultra-right wing party headed by Moshe Feiglin, Zehut might be a surprise of the election. At the beginning of the campaign, the party did not cross the threshold line but in recent weeks, they are expected to win at least six seats in the Knesset. Advocating for extreme free ma...
Knesset Member Ahmad Tibi (United Arab List-Ta'al) welcomed the decision: "We have beaten fascism. This fight is over but the battle is not. Racism has become a trend in Israel… the court's decision has righted a wrong by Kadima and Labor." Balad Chairman MK Jamal Zahalka reiterated ...
Arab parties faces most hostile Knesset in historyJonathan Cook
Gay pride event in Knesset outrages haredi partiesLAHAV HARKOV
A guide to the 15 Israeli parties expected to be in the new KnessetSedan, Gil
Labor agrees to go green with new pact. Former Green Party member: Small parties have no chance in KnessetSHELLY PAZ
A guide to the 13 Israeli parties that will be in incoming KnessetSedan, Gil