检查 Particular 插件是否正确安装:在 After Effects 安装目录下的“Support Files/Plug-ins”文件夹中,应该存在名为“Trapcode Particular.plugin”的文件。如果该文件不存在,则需要重新安装 Particular 插件。检查 After Effects 版本是否与 Particular 插件版本兼容:Particular 插件需要与 After Effects 版...
I'm guessing if you want to run trapsuite 15 you should probably upgrade your After Effects but if you just want to use the plugin get an earlier version of trapcode. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply 1 2 Resources Troubleshooting FAQs After ...
用于生成粒子自着色的Shadowlet系统也得到了更新,可以调控Shadowlet的柔和度,并自动将其形状与源粒子的形状匹配。 Create organic 3D particle effects and complex motion graphics elements in After Effects. Now with Fluid Dynamics.Motion GraphicsTrapcode Particular is a plugin for After Effects that lets you ad...
Since this is a third-party plugin, you should contact the vendor - Red Giant - for assistance. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Jump to answer 1 Reply 1 Jump to latest reply Correct answer by Dave Merchant LEGEND , /t5/after-effects-discu...
Trapcode Particular (iFlash8.exe). Trapcode Particular is a plugin for After Effects that lets you add particles to your compositions to bring...
三维行星AE插件VideocopilotORBAfterEffectspluginv1.0Mac苹果电脑版 Video Copilot发布一个新的AE插件,称为Orb。它最初只是一个简单的CC Sphere插件(CC球体)的替代品,但现在已经成为一个完整的3D行星产生器,包括基于物理的着色器,大气功能,定制的地形凹凸贴图,环境反射,自动阴影照明,GPU加速等等。 并附带从头开始使用...
模板用途:铬,典雅,史诗,光面,金色,金色,高光,浅色,标志,标志彰显,豪华,金属,颗粒,颗粒,铂 软件版本:After Effects CS6 ~ CC 2020 或者更高AE版本 插件要求:需要Trapcode Particular插件 分辨率:全高清1920×1080 文件大小:142.60 MB 模板时长:0:11 分钟 ...
No complex setup is required, and the plugin is ready to use out of the box.How to UseOpen After Effects: Launch Adobe After Effects, where you intend to use the app.Create a Composition: Start a new composition or open an existing one.Add a Solid Layer: Create a new solid layer to...
Particular for Mac, free and safe download. Particular latest version: Powerful 3D particle system for Adobe After Effects.
通过After Effects的训练,你就会对这个粒子系统集成到您的下一个项目。 In this After Effects tutorial, we’ll be exploring some really awesome things you can do with Trapcode Particular in After Effects. We’ll start by referencing our effect presets and learning how the plugin works by actually ...