In this sense, the famous precessions in planetary orbits were described in the context of geodesic motion of falling massive particles in the gravitational fields produced by a central mass [1, 2]. Ever since the advent of general relativity and its success in responding to solar system tests...
A particle executes a uniform circular motion when the net force that acts on it is directed radially inward. This net force is known as the centripetal force. The centripetal force that a particle experiences during uniform circular motion is equa...
The collision energy of particles in the frame of the cen- ter of mass results in the formation of new particles and the energy produced in this process is known as the center of mass energy. The center of mass energy of two colliding particles is infinitely high near the event horizon ...
The motion of self-propelled massive particles through a gaseous medium is dominated by inertial effects. Examples include vibrated granulates, activated complex plasmas and flying insects. However, inertia is usually neglected in standard models. Here,
Symmetry rules in circular motion: (1) when a particle is ejected from the same boundary, the Angle of the velocity is equal to that of the boundary when it is emitted from the same boundary. (2) in the circular magnetic field region, the particles in the radial direction will shoot ...
New solutions are obtained for the planar motion of three equal mass particles on a common periodic orbit with finite total angular momentum, under the action of attractive pairwise forces of the form 1/rp+1. It is shown that for −2, Lagrange's 1772 circular solution is the limiting ...
According to ideal (non-viscous) fluid mechanics, the mass producing this part of the force is equal to half of the mass of the fluid displaced by the solid particles when flowing, so the additional mass force can be expressed as: $${F}_{vm}=-\frac{2}{3}\pi {r}^{3}\rho \...
The energy of a body at rest contains, in addition to the rest energies of its constituent particles, the kinetic energy of the particles and the energy of their interactions with one another. In other words, mc2 is not equal to Σ ma c2 (where ma are the masses of the particles), an...
In our specific example of foraging the reward \(R_t\) is defined to be positive when the AP’s center of mass is within the circular area of the food source (for a precise reward definition we refer to the Methods). To reproduce the consumption of food, the capacity of the food ...
Assume the masses of the proton and neutron are equal. 1. Which is the first particle to reach the nucleus? A proton mass 1.67 10 ? 27 k g moves with a velocity of 6 10 6 m / s . Upon colliding with a stationary particle of unknown mass, the proton ...