Popular in Grammar & Usage See All Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up ...
", “what about … ?” or “how about … ?” in English. Some examples: 你呢? Nǐ ne? And you? 我呢? Wǒ ne? What about me? 这些东西呢? Zhèxiē dōngxi ne? What about these things? As you can see, it's very easy to query things in Chinese using 呢. Just say the thing ...
These examples would not lose meaning or clarity without the particle and thus are not idiomatic. In certain other cases, a particle might create a tautology, but we still need it for proper writing and speech. One such instance involves the verb “sit,” which by definition does not need ...
In addition to using adverbs, many of the linguistic operations which English performs by changing the form of the verb, or by using possessive pronouns, are accomplished in Chinese by adding a particle to the sentence. Particles typically occur in the neutral tone. The following examples introduc...
The most common use for 呢 is probably to form simple queries. All you do is put 呢 after the thing you want to query. This is often equivalent to saying “and … ?“, “what about … ?” or “how about … ?” in English. Some examples: ...
In fact, apart from people, it is not that common to use a plural form, and it isn’t totally necessary to use it with people, either. In the cases, you would want to indicate plural, check out the examples.Example Sentences Using ~들 (~ deul):...
While "o" marks the direct object, some English verbs used in Japanese takethe particle "ga"instead of "o". There are not many of these verbs, but here are some examples. hoshii 欲しい --- to want suki 好き --- to like
Japanese Grammar: Japanese Particles wa (は) and ga (が) – Review Notes Today we learned some of the ways to use the Japanese particles, wa (は) and ga (が). But there are still more ways to use these particles! Read more to review today’s lesson, see more examples and find ...
Further, as most of Singapore’s population is ethnic Chinese, the particles in Singaporean English are predominantly those originating from the Chinese languages. The influence of non-Chinese languages such as Malay and Tamil on the lexicon, phonology, and grammar of Malaysian English is well-...
One clever example sentence for は and が that I’ve come across is:watashi wa [my name] desu. vs.watashi ga [my name] desu. While these sentences in English both come out as “I am Lloyd.” In Japanese, they answer different questions: ...