NewtonSelf-SimilarityQuantum Field TheoryElectromagnetic ModelsLHeC ColliderLight-by-Light ScatteringThree hundred years ago, Isaac Newton published a number of hypotheses on the structure of matter, which were ahead of their time by some two centuries. Speculations were made by Newton that may now ...
Isaac Newton stated that there had to be a fundamental particle, completely hard, that could not be broken down. He also claimed that light consisted of a stream of such particles. Newton's particle theory was very similar to that of the ancient atomists Democritus and Leucippus. However, ...
for his theories, as no one was eager to toss out the theories of Isaac Newton. Later in the 19th Century, Augustin-Jean Fresnel's work with the polarization of light showed that light traveled as a transverse wave (the up and down type, pictured previously), and the wave theory won ...
Isaac Newton (Figure 4), however, was impressed by the fact that light casts sharp shadows, as if it were a stream of particles being blocked. He favored a corpuscular nature of light, which he also used to explain reflection and, albeit with difficulty, refraction. Such was Newton's fame...
1 The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom Chapter 7. Particular and Wavelike Kristine Lister. Christian Huygens: points on a wave as new sources Isaac Newton: corpuscular theory. Spectra. White Light Light from many colors mixes to form white light. Different colors have different wa...
The “accidental” nature of its discovery in 1936 is illustrated by the famous reaction of Isidor Isaac Rabi who quipped: “Who ordered that?” (cited in [75]). The expression “particle zoo” originates from Robert Oppenheimer who in 1956 spoke of a “subnuclear zoo” at the 6th ...
millennia later, Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens debated whether light is made of particles or waves. The discovery of quantum mechanics some 250 years after that proved both luminaries right: Light comes in individual packets of energy known as photons, which behave as both particles and ...
English scientist Sir Isaac Newton also coined the phrase "to stand on (someone's) shoulders" in his letter,"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."This means that we are who we are because of the hard work of the people who came before us. Newton was...
We can measure the transit of a planet across a skas millions of light-years away, but we still can’t measure the earth’s temperature (tree rings don’t count). Smolin observed that since Newton, physics produced great leaps forward (revolution?) roughly every 25 years; Hossenfelder ...
The optical equivalent diameter is derived from the light scattered in the forward direction. The change in polarization state of the incident light, caused by interaction with the cloud particle, is determined from the polarized components of the backscattered light. The CPSPD, along with several ...