Particle paths of mantling rocks will result in the assembly of Barrovian-like sequences. In these Barrovian' sequences, the highest-grade rocks are located closest to the dome margin. Metamorphism of the lowest grade rocks is coeval with that of the highest grade rocks, and the apparent ...
This paper investigates the degree to which particle shape and sorting bias current sampling recommendations, and tackles the issue of sample truncation. Church et al.'s original work was based upon intrusive, metamorphic and volcanic rocks in which there did not appear to be any strong anisotropy...
The results from this type of numerical biphase experiments may be applied to the interpretation of granular flow in some geological processes such as flow-related pattern formation of phenocrysts in magmas and pattern formation in some porphyroblast-laden metamorphic rocks.PARK, Youngdo...
shaft impact (VSI) crushing of rock types from 10 different quarries representing a wide range of local Norwegian geological variety with respect to rocks of different mineralogy and mechanical properties (mono- and multimineralic igneous (intrusive and extrusive), metamorphic and sedimentary rocks). ...
The study area is located within the western belt of the Malaysian Peninsula with continental sequences ranging from the Cambrian period through to Quaternary periods, such as alluvial formations, siltstones, sandstones, shell, metamorphic rocks, and unconsolidated deposits [45,46]. The stratigraphy ...
The characterisation of particle shape is an important analysis in the field of sedimentary geology. At finer scales, it is key for understanding sediment transport while at coarser scales, such as boulders, it is vital for coastal protection. However, the accurate characterisation of particle shape...
The characterisation of particle shape is an important analysis in the field of sedimentary geology. At finer scales, it is key for understanding sediment transport while at coarser scales, such as boulders, it is vital for coastal protection. However, t
The basin-shaped formation of the deposited basalt unit provides hints of the general shape of the subsurface and basement topography along with Profile PP’. A variation of the subsurface density structures could also be noticed in the model, having explicit density and magnetic properties. We ...
Particle breakage of soil is influenced by several factors, such as initial void ratio, grain shape, grading curves, mineral composition, saturation, grain strength, load size, loading path, etc. [22]. In order to explore the weathering process of in situ granite and the particle breakage ...