After the collision calculation of particles belonging to the same calculation points is performed (S8), processes subsequent to the step 5 are repeated, thereby obtaining the movement of particles.HAYASHI TOSHIAKI
we focus on the kinetic theory-based two-fluid models, which have become a valuable tool to investigate small-scale moderately dense turbulent gas–particle flows. Second, the continuum description is quite restrictive with respect to the maximum grid ...
The kinetic theory links the movements of particles to heat energy - the higher the temperature, the faster the movement. It also takes into account the forces between the particles. It is not perfect, but works well at GCSE if you make the assumptions that all of the particles are ...
In the given example, the movement of the flock only happens as described once all the swarm members are able to share information among themselves; otherwise, each animal would most likely land at a different point and at a different time. The studies regarding the social behavior of animals...
Numerical Study of Particle Interaction in Gas-Particle and Liquid-Particle Flows: Part I Analysis and Validation 有机凝胶推进剂兼具有固体和液体推进剂的优点,但其液滴在着火燃烧过程出现了剧烈的膨胀-爆裂及火焰扰动现象,明显不同于常规液体液滴准稳态蒸发燃烧现象,影响了凝胶液... K Mohanarangam,JY Tu ...
movement of m etallic p art icles lik e aluminu m and cop per and also th e max imum mov em ent is to be reduced fo r increasing th e d ielectric strength of gaseous insulation.In th is paper a sing le phase of gas insulated busduct w ith inner and ...
Simulation of a spray scrubber performance with Eulerian/Lagrangian approach in the aerosol removing process The model is based on the Lagrangian approach for the droplets movement and particle source in cell (PSI-CELL) model for calculating the droplet ... Y Bozorgi,P Keshavarz,M Taheri,... ...
Figure 6. Particle movement and deposition by diffusion. Electrostatic precipitation Charged particles deposit on the airway surfaces due to image forces and space charge forces. An image force is created by the interaction of the particle and the airway wall. A space charge force is...
heat transfer of the fluidized bed, the movement of fluidizing gas bubbles were inspected by means of tracer technique, and the fluidization quality including bubble frequency and number of density fluctuation per unit time were measured by the leak current method in the gas-solid fluidized bed. ...
Numerical Study of Particle Interaction in Gas-Particle and Liquid-Particle Flows: Part I Analysis and Validation 有机凝胶推进剂兼具有固体和液体推进剂的优点,但其液滴在着火燃烧过程出现了剧烈的膨胀-爆裂及火焰扰动现象,明显不同于常规液体液滴准稳态蒸发燃烧现象,影响了凝胶液... K Mohanarangam,JY Tu ...