It has a pluvio-oceanic regime and its annual water flow in the period 2013–2016 averaged 550 m3 s−1 at the river outlet at Poses (Fig. 1). The Poses monitoring station, located at a navigation dam, is the most downstream station not subject to the dynamic influence of the tidal...
Sapoval, M.Elsevier Masson SASDiagnostic and Interventional ImagingTinto HR, Di Primio M, Tselikas L, Rico AP, Pellerin O, et al. (2014) Selective arterial embolization of life-threatening renal hemorrhage in four patients after partial nephrectomy. Diagn Interv Imaging 95: 601-609....
This study tested the hypothesis that treatment of symptomatic, partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (sPTRCT) with fresh, uncultured, unmodified, autologous adipose-derived regenerative cells (UA-ADRCs) isolated from lipoaspirate at the point of care is
Utilization of waste polyethylene pyrolysis oil as partial substitute for diesel fuel in a DI diesel enginedoi:10.12720/SGCE.8.1.38-47Mochamad SyamsiroHarwin SaptoadiMuhammad KismurtonoZahrul MufrodiKunio YoshikawaEngineering and Technology Publishing...
The discharge factor (Q), cross-correlation (cc) and the modified cross-correlation (mcc) also form part of the statistical variables as input to the ANN and FL. sk measures the asymmetry of each of the 2D PRPD derived distributions in comparison to the normal distribution. ku measures the...
Authors divided the analyzed period into two stages, that represents different behaviors of PD: during the 1st stage a slowdown of PD activity was noticed at the beginning and at the end of that stage (increased PD activity in the middle of the period), while during the 2nd stage rather ...
The relevant equations mentioned in the Section 2 can be used to explain the results qualitatively. Based on Equation (2), the inductive reactance XL, the quality factor QT and the resonant resistance R will change accordingly as the dielectric layer thickness changes. These changes of parameters...
We next performed the intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) assay to determine the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses by detecting IFN-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-2 (IL-2). The dynamics Viruses 2017, 9, 135 5 of 18 of T cell reVsipruosens 2s0e17s, 9d, 1...
·mol−1); SF is the stoichiometric factor, which originates from the assumption of adsorption stoichiometry H/Ni = 1:1; m is the mass of the sample (g); P is the weight fraction of Ni in the sample determined by ICP; Vm is the molar volume of H2 (22.4 L·mol−1) at STP;...
Finally, although all arthroscopic procedures were performed over a long period (2007–2016), we believe our results could not have been affected by the learning curve of the experienced surgeon (the senior author), specialised in shoulder surgery, who has been performing about 350/year ...