Google Share on Facebook partially ordered set (redirected fromPartial ordering relation) partially ordered set [′pär·shə·lē ¦ōr·dərd ′set] (mathematics) A set on which a partial order is defined. Also known as poset. ...
1) Partial Order on Assumption 关于假设部分排序2) partial order relation 部分序关系3) partially order sets(POSET) 部分排序集合(POSET)4) external sorting 外排序,外部分类5) the part-sequence correlators 部分序列相关器6) sequence hypothesis 序列假设补充资料:绝对收入假设与相对收入假设 juedui ...
Definition 1 A relation R on a set S is called a partial ordering or partial order if it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. A set S together with a partial ordering R is called a partial ordered set, or poset, and is denoted by (S,R). Examples 1、“greater than or equal...
Apartialordering(orpartialorder)isarelationthatisreflexive,antisymmetric,andtransitive Recallthatantisymmetricmeansthatif(a,b)R,then(b,a)Runlessb=a Thus,(a,a)isallowedtobeinR Butsinceit’sreflexive,allpossible(a,a)mustbeinR PartiallyOrderedSet(POSET) ...
partial order relation偏序关系 1.A partial order decision table based on partial order relation was introduced.介绍了基于偏序关系的偏序决策表,研究了偏序决策表各条件分类和决策分类集合之间的关系,提出了从各分类中计算偏序决策表核及属性约简方法,通过实例,验证了这些方法的有效性。 2.In the paper,partial...
Packing and covering focus on vertex subsets; "representation" expresses the entire relation as the union or intersection of a minimum number of "nice" relations. We review results on order dimension (the minimum number of chains whose intersection is the poset) and study various dimension ...
a partial order of countries is firstly provided and then a method to detect dimensions is discussed and applied. The analysis stems directly from the Partially Order Set (poset) and Lattice theory with particular references to dimension theory and Formal Concept Analysis. The study is eventually ...
Let be a relation of the power set ?not totally order??Then is a partial ordering. In this partial ordering, we have? and is incomparable?用哈塞图 (Hasse Diagrams) 表示偏序关系 (partial order)如何得到一个偏序集 (poset) 的哈赛图 (Hasse diagrams)?设 是一个偏序集 (poset)?1. 画出 所...
Every directed set by definition is a preorder. We can via an aforementioned equivalence relation on preorders transform this preorder into a partial order on its equivalence classes. By (1), there exists exactly one maximal equivalence class, and the definition of our equivalence relation gives...
9.Poset on Dyck pathsDyck格路径上的偏序集(英文) 10.register transfer level simulator寄存偏送级模拟程序 11.The order of partial differentiation is immaterial.偏微商的次序并不重要。 12.monitor fixed-offset area监督程序固定偏移区 13.The General Economics with Partial Preorder or Non-ordered Peferenc...