Yeo S (2010) 'English Reform of Partial Defences to Murder: Lessons for New South Wales', Current Issues in CriminalJustice 22(1), 1-18Yeo S (2010) `English Reform of Partial Defences to Murder: Lessons for New South Wales', Current Issues in Criminal Justice 22(1), 1-18...
The article focuses on partial defenses to murder such as provocation and diminished responsibility which under current British law reduce the offense to one of manslaughter. It states that a review of these partial defenses has been requested by the British government to the independent Law ...
MURDERPHYSICAL abuseCRIMINAL lawAn abused person who kills their abuser remains a conundrum for law and justice. How do we adequately deal with this issue using the current defences to murder? The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 legislated with such situations in mind, but...
it is said, was not available to the jury in 2011." The arguments at her appeal will seek to reduce her murder conviction to manslaughter, providing an opportunity for this article to explore the complexities of aligning the partial defences to murder with the offence of coercive or controlling...
Since the abolition of the provocation defence New Zealand no longer has any partial defences to murder. Nonetheless this article notes that the majority of (the small number of) cases in which battered defendants have been charged in respect of the homicide of their abusive partners since then ...
In particular, it aims to set the scene for future theoretical development in this area by dismantling the three familiar arguments against expanding partial defences beyond homicide. First, it clarifies the nature of partial excuse by questioning the apparent dependency of the doctrine on the ...