It has already taken me to play around with Erlang programs, Pipes Concurrency (Haskell), Cloud Haskell and Transient (Haskell). Up until now, I’m between Pipes Concurrency and Transient + Transient Universe, not very convinced about static actions building closures in Cloud Haskell, but it ...
(DDC)DynamicsEarthEcologiesEconometricsEconomiesEducation SciencesElectricityElectrochemElectronic MaterialsElectronicsEmergency Care and MedicineEncyclopediaEndocrinesEnergiesEnergy Storage and Applications (ESA)EngEngineering ProceedingsEntropyEnvironmental and Earth Sciences ProceedingsEnvironmentsEpidemiologiaEpigenomesEuropean ...
Several concerns may contribute to an increase in consumers’ ENS, such as their lifestyle, health, and safety; consciousness for the social environment, including care for people and society; or concern for natural environmental conservation, including trees, plants, birds, and other species [63,...
2.1. Animals, Groups, and Animal Care The study was performed in an intensive beef fattening farm (coordinates 42.9197252, 11.2132199) located in Campagnatico, (Grosseto, Italy). The farm is located in the region of Tuscany, 40 km from the Tyrrhenian Sea, guaranteeing the typical temperate ...
Not so many people care about such inferential questions in these ’big data’ days. However, there are also lots of small datasets where the inferential details matter. There are still useful questions for people like Eugenio (and me). 3. Background on Exponential Families and Algebraic ...
(DDC)DynamicsEarthEcologiesEconometricsEconomiesEducation SciencesElectricityElectrochemElectronic MaterialsElectronicsEmergency Care and MedicineEncyclopediaEndocrinesEnergiesEnergy Storage and Applications (ESA)EngEngineering ProceedingsEntropyEnvironmental and Earth Sciences ProceedingsEnvironmentsEpidemiologiaEpigenomesEuropean ...