Part-Time Student Part-Time Teaching part-time work Part-Time/Intermittent/Temporary Employee part-timer part-timers Part-Vegetarian part-writing part. part. aeq. part. vic. Parta Partable ▼Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Ad...
Skills in teaching or assisting with activities of daily living helpful Ability to work independently and as part of a team Good judgment, problem solving and decision-making skills Ability to work in a fast-paced, expanding environment Physical Requirements: Ability to exercise self-control in ...
2019 by saving $100 from my paycheck each month for five months and earning the remaining $500 by working odd jobs or selling things. Another example might be, I plan to have 1 million dollars in my 401K by the time I’m 65. For more examples, be sure to check out the resources be...
It’s a constant struggle to find the balance. I’ve had to make peace with being the “good-enough mother” and the “good-enough pastor.” But most days, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the work I do, preaching, teaching and caring for this quirky congregation. Yet my...
Quitting wasn’t easy. At the time, my corporate job as an internal auditor and this blog were our only sources of income. A year earlier, Mrs. PT had left her teaching career to pursue her Master’s degree and be home with our little girl, which I really wanted her to do. ...
Since we live in Texas and don’t have a tax incentive to use a local plan, we just chose a highly-rated plan. Related:The Complete Guide to 529 College Savings Plans What else we’ll do with our money… We plan on being able to do a lot more with our earnings this year. ...