Designed by a world-class, award-winning faculty with deep Asian and global expertise, the part-time GBA (HK-SZ) MBA at the HKU Business School equips you with the tools and networks you need to advance your career within the Greater Bay Area. The 5-week... Read more Admission require...
渠道包括领英,Indeed,学校的career service,以及招聘公司/高校的招聘页(谷歌搜:学校名称+career opportunities)。 港大的招聘页( 在搜索职位的时候keywords很重要。因为我找的是英语教育或者教育科研型的工作,我输入的关键词一般是language education/education + research/researcher/re...
其实基本上他事先已经做过关于我的履历和行业的功课,所以问了很多相关的问题,如下: How do you like the working style in HK (在我看来,还是破冰问题。) Why do you choose the current company (我述说了这个公司的背景和我的背景的匹配度,以及我对这个行业的兴趣) Who is your client? (因为我现在的职位...
谢谢建议!我也倾向于fulltime base HK,但jd显示工作期是到今年八月就结束(虽然有机会续签但这个项目也只有一年),不知道会不会来不及办工签了? 赞 回复 N (少年不识愁滋味 遍历方知行路难) 2023-05-16 17:01:44 中国香港 谢谢回复!也就是无论work type,录取与否都仅取决于老师,不需要系里或是行政的...
Apple Retail 現正徵才的地點HK-Specialist: Full-Time and Part-Time提交履歷HK-Specialist: Full-Time and Part-Time 返回搜尋結果 Summary Posted:2025 年 3 月 1 日 Role Number:114438082 Apple Retail is where the best of Apple comes together. We bring our expertise to help people do what they ... is ranked #1287 in HK with 218.32K Traffic. Categories: Human Resources. Learn more about website traffic, market share, and more!
Hiring a part-time domestic helper in Hong Kong who does not have permanent residency or a dependent visa may result in substantial penalties to both parties. Before hiring a part-time helper in HK, there are some things to prepare. You must check the helpers’ visa conditions to confirm th...
面试时长 25 分钟左右,原定 20 分钟,上午最后一个,电面。 Introduce. 个人经历相关:为什么离开 A 公司,选择 B 公司,比较两个公司的不同。 个人经历相关:为什么选择回国? 如果可以选择一门课程或一项任务学习,最想学什么? 反问面试官。 一些观察:
As a Specialist, you build brand loyalty and create owners of Apple products and services. You’re dedicated to selling and delivering a customer service experience that is unlike any other. A Specialist is curious — you ask questions to learn about our customers’ needs, customizing ...