(1)安装docker和 docker-compose 这一步根据网上安装就好啦,我就不赘述啦0_0 (2)在ubunut创建所需要的目录文件文件 # 创建所需要的目录 mkdir Part-DB cd Part-DB mkdir db public_media uploads touch docker-compose.yaml # 这是配置文件 (3)编辑 docker-compose.yaml 内容如下,根据官网的示例进行修改...
Put the pk.xml into the uploads folder mapped into the docker container (in the default docker-compose.yaml this should be the upload folder in the directory where the docker-compose.yaml lives). Then you can execute docker exec -it partdb php bin/console partdb:migrations:import-partkeepr...
I installed Part-DB using custom docker-compose script. While it is customized it is very similar to script for mysql at but similar to demo at https://docs.part-db.de/installation/installation_docker.html. For partdb image I use followi...
Part 1: Containerize an application Part 2: Update the application Part 3: Share the application Part 4: Persist the DB Part 5: Use bind mounts Part 6: Multi-container apps Part 7: Use Docker Compose Part 8: Image-building best practices Part 9: What next Educational resourcesHome...
Some of the most common questions asked by our users are regarding MariaDB support in Docker, and in particular how it can be used in specific development or…
树莓派入坑系列 Part-7 Docker 安装配置 MariaDB 树莓派入坑系列 【加餐2】 Linux基础操作 树莓派入坑系列 Part-2 Conda环境安装配置 无法拉取 Docker 镜像?国内的服务器安装并配置Docker(以树莓派4B为例子) 【网络安全】超详细的Kali Linux教学,渗透测试从入门到进阶(适合全年龄可操作黑客教程)手把手带你从...
使用的是Servlet 3.0 新的特征标注(Annotaion)类描述部署,一些低版本的服务器需要使用标准依赖部署描述文件(web.xml)来部署,另外Part也是Java EE 6.0新增的类,Part是一个接口继承于javax.servlet.http,代表一部分表单项目接收来自multipart/form-data的POST的请求。
docker1 – (Docker host for containers – maxscale, app) Preparing the MaxScale User Firstly, create a MySQL database user for MaxScale and allow all hosts in the network MariaDB> CREATE USER 'maxscale'@'192.168.0.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_s3cret'; ...
Learning Docker Part000 容器生态系统概览 容器生态系统.png
docker-compose.yml db: image: couchdb ports: - "5984:5984" environment: - COUCHDB_USER=rob - COUCHDB_PASSWORD=123456 seed-db: image: ibmcom/swift-ubuntu volumes: - .:/root/BookshelfAPI command: BookshelfAPI/scripts/seed_couchdb.sh --username=rob --password=123456 --url=http://db:...