Who it’s best for: Anyone seeking easy and highly-flexible work. Why it’s ranked #11: It deserves a spot on this list because it requires virtually no skills and no time commitment, which means you can easily earn a few bucks in your spare time. But it comes in near the bottom ...
To me, that signals a growing market. 24. Craigslist Gigs There’s a little-known section in the bottom right corner of Craigslist (at least at press time) specifically for side hustlers, called gigs: Check it out and see what kind of gigs you might be able to find nearby or online....
showing genuine interest in what the client or buyer is doing and in their journeys, thoughtfulness — nothing beats these kinds of efforts. It's effective and inexpensive, but it takes time. After all, the returning customer leads to job‑to‑job work, which leads to a career.” ...
R-Instat’s ability to work with multiple datasets in a single instance of the software is not a feature found in all R GUIs. For example, jamovi and JASP can only work with a single dataset at a time. Saving the data is done with a fairly standard “File> Save As> Save Dataset ...
We knew Eden, our female Great Pyrenees was expecting some time this week. On Monday while Josh was at work (which is when the disasters excitement always happens on the farm), Eden’s puppies began their life in our unheated not-garage, behind the cooler and upright freezer. After Eden...
There wasn’t a lot of magic to today’s work. My time was probably 29% filing, 70% sanding with successively finer sandpaper, and 1% brushing dust. A few notes: Filing. I bought a set of files years ago at Ace Hardware. They had a bargain bin and a set of files – with one ...
However, you may be asked at times to work evenings or on Saturdays/Sundays. This depends on the type of position you have or the type of company at which you work. NOTE: If you work more than 40 hours per week, then you may be entitled to what is called "overtime pay." We ...
Okay, don’t shoot me because I don’t have kids. But still, Iwasa kid. My parents said no constantly, and I don’t think they lost sleep over it. I hated the no’s at the time and threw several hellish temper tantrums (some of which I actually still remember) when I didn’t ...
so look for it on a Craigslist near you soon. A 45° sleeping bag is surprisingly warm (good to 28° so far) with one Yorkie added. Overall, the build was pretty fun – I got to exercise skills I haven’t used in 15 years (turns out, I do remember how to thread a bobbin). ...
It takes a few months of research to structure your business properly, and a good Craigslist ad with nice pictures, and living near a small city full of people who don’t do their own house repairs. (It won’t work as well in the country.) With better marketing, good networking skills...