结束训练 PART A PART B 00:00 00:00 第一段- 1.2 秒 第1句 - 1.2 秒 第二段- 5.5 秒 第1句 - 2.0 秒 第2句 - 3.5 秒 第三段- 1.3 秒 第1句 - 1.3 秒 第四段- 2.9 秒 第1句 - 2.9 秒 第五段- 2.8 秒 第1句 - 1.4 秒 ...
Nowadays,more and more college students are taking part-time jobs. On this phenomenon, different people hold different viewpoints.Some people think after-school work is beneficial to the student...自己想反馈 收藏
Being in school and working can be a lot of responsibility for any young person. The reasons a student might have for working a part-time job in school can be different from necessity to the desire to have some extra spending money. Teens from some families may work because of a great ...
While there’s no magic bullet to finding jobs for students, we’ve put together a great resource to help address many of the issues students face when looking for part time jobs. Whether you’re looking for a part time student job, summer work, or even full time opportunities, be sure ...
part-time-jobs-for-students Part-timeJobsforStudents Introduction •Inmanycountriesitiscommonforteenagerstotakepart-timejobswhiletheyarestillinhighschool.•InChina,highschoolstudentsareexpectedtospendalloftheirtimeontheirstudiesandconsiderschoolworktheir"job".Butwhentheyenterthecollege,some‘youngadults’choose...
With the BBC reporting the cost of university is rising, it's no wonder part time jobs for students are the only way to fund the cost of living (and midnight cheesy chip habits). But bar work and waitressing aren't the only options: flexible work that pays well could mean tutoring, ...
PART A PART B 00:00 00:00 第一段- 1.2 秒 第1句 - 1.2 秒 第二段- 5.5 秒 第1句 - 2.0 秒 第2句 - 3.5 秒 第三段- 1.3 秒 第1句 - 1.3 秒 第四段- 2.9 秒 第1句 - 2.9 秒 第五段- 2.8 秒 第1句 - 1.4 秒 第2句 - 1.4 秒 ...
Part-time Jobs for College Students Nowadays,more and more college students are taking part-time jobs. On this phenomenon, different people hold different viewpoints.Some people think after-school work is beneficial to the students. On the other hand, it helps cultivate indepenence in ...
Great Part-Time Jobs for a College Student TECHNICAL SUPPORT It seems almost everyone has a friend who is a technical genius. Such people earn money using their talent. If you are one of them, you could be responsible for technical support in your college or university and get your part-...
There are plenty of part-time jobs for students in college, ranging from on-campus work-study jobs to paid jobs at local businesses. The best part-time jobs for college students are flexible and related to a student's intended area of study, allowing them to both make money and get more...