Hans-Dieter GernerUniversity of Erlangen NurembergTaylor & FrancisApplied Economics LettersSchank, T., Schnabel, C., Gerner, H.-D. (2009) Stimulating part-time work by legal entitlements? Evidence from a German policy experiment. Appl. Econ. Lett. 16: pp. 391-394...
Part-time work or a part-time job is a flexible work arrangement which means working less than full-time hours, with keeping all employment entitlements on a pro-rata basis.
Employees, no matter if they are full-time or part-time workers, who are employed under a continuous contract are entitled to benefits.
Full-time work Full-time work就是我们常说的全职工作。全职员工通常以长期或定期合同的形式受雇,且每周平均工作38个小时。 图片来源 Fair Work官网 Part-time work Part-time work就是我们通常说的兼职工作。兼职员工和全职员工一样,通常是长期聘用或签订定期合同。不同的是,他们每周工作时间少于38个小时。 图片...
I Work Part-Time. What Are My Holiday Entitlements?
Part-time jobs are common among partnered women in many countries. There are two opposing views on the efficiency implications of so many women working par
Considers the reasons given by workers for choosing part-time work, the costs involved and the extent to which part-time workers are aware of these when making their decision. The research considers the role of trade unions in enhancing awareness of legal entitlements in view of the recent ...
the newly emerging collective bargaining framework is constrained by their very low trade union density relative to full-time employees; and there are doubts as to how part-time workers can effectively participate in and benefit from the emerging programme of employee-based superannuation entitlements....
Agreement (including but not limited to annual vacations, public holidays, sick leave and disability, all paid leave provisions, increment placement, seniority), participants in Job Share arrangements shall have their entitlements and eligibilities calculated as if they were Regular Part-Time Employees...
The Definition of Part-Time Work in Japan, Along with Its Characteristics In Japan, the term “part-time jobs” refers to employment opportunities in which people work a lesser number of hours per week than those who are employed full-time. The majority of the time, persons in these positio...