Whether you’re looking for a part-time job from home to make some extra money or to make a full-time living only working part-time hours, this list is for you. Most of these part-time online jobs do not require a college degree or previous experience. These jobs can even be performe...
Part-time jobs allow individuals to supplement their income while not straining themselves too much. In addition to the income, they can also gain experience and develop skills while maintaining some flexibility. With that being said, the reason part-time jobs work...
Here's the threading problem: by default, the workflow runtime functions asynchronously. When the runtime receives the order to spawn an instance of a given workflow type, the Start method allocates a new thread on which to initiate the workflow. The WorkflowCompleted event gives t...
Those of us in the InfoSec field often, and largely correctly, view our jobs as preventing access to things. The InfoSec group is where you go if you want your project to be killed. The evil security guys will always try to stop you from doing what you want. That is often true, ...
An object on a server that gets serialized into a byte stream which is then sent to a client. When the client processes the stream, it could deserialize the object to a completely different type whose code knows how to remote method calls to the server's object. ...
At that time I also introduced a tool called MeasureIt that makes it very easy to create new benchmarks so you can quickly gather the data you need to make good design decisions. The raw numbers that a tool like MeasureIt provides are critically important, but it is also important to de...
Windows Internals(coauthored with David Solomon), planned for release at the same time as the next version of Windows Server, code-named "Longhorn." In my next installment, I'll continue introducing you to the new kernel by discussing memory management along with system start up and shutdown...
us, we would usually do a song in roughly a day and then some overdubs and lyrics and vocal on the next day. but a lot of the time when we were jamming the melodies and lyrics would start to appear, so sometimes it was a panic to get the overdubs done so I could start the ...
The first time that you run the ssh command, a prompt questions the authenticity of the remote host: The authenticity of host 'myRemoteHost' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint in md5 is: 04:9f:bd:fc:3d:3e:d2:e7:49:fd:6e:18:4f:9c:26 Are you sure you want to continue con...
One more thing in the menu Remote / Execute process on remote computer of SAP installation server administration, I am witnessing a remote update with several workstations and I get the same error in all: "stating remote process on hostname failed: Attempt to connect to SCM of hostname fail...