Being an oldest department of Punjab University, the department has all the perquisites related to the courses its offering which include: Library, Conference Room, MPhil / PhD Research Labs, MPhil / BS (IT) Labs, FTIR Lab, BS Physics Lab, Advance Electronics Lab, Electronics Lab, Modern & ...
It is now offering PhD courses in law and has managed to maintain its caliber of Pakistan’s best Legal education institute. Earlier the building of College was constituted in Katchery Road until 1978. After that it was shifted to Punjab University’s Quaid-e-Azam Campus where it still ...
{lIdi,,, foamal (If Daif)' SdefICc. 6, 6i-65. CHINNA. H. S. (1975). Gertetic studi", ;n Oi r cOHk:. PhD the.;•. Punjab Uni>c"ity, Ch.ndigiirh. OWNSA, H. S. (t963). Indian Vcrerinary JO/ll'l/(ri. 40. J52-J61. D.CKERSON. G . E. (1960). Techniques...
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