比如,我们感叹时间时经常说How time flies!(时间过得真快呀!)或许答者理解成了“为什么时间要飞呢?”所以他的回答是“为的是甩掉所有要谋杀它的人”。在这里,kill除了“杀死”的意思外,还有“消磨”的意思,而it又代指time,所以回答的人想说的是“kill time”,也就表示“消磨时间”,同时又表达了“杀死时间”...
it’s still 9 years old. The last thing I needed to be dealing with on my vacation was a blown transmission, a broken a/c system, or something else that would take time away from our week at the beach. So, I’
In 1921, she was playing baseball in the ___near her home. A movie director___her and decided to put her in amovie. She was only 13 at the time. The movie was one of the last silent movies. She acted (表演) so well that she___the hearts of some people. At 16, she left ...
I'm pretty busy in general, but I always try to set aside some time to hang out with friends. I guess I see them once a week, usually at weekends. It's important to keep a good work life balance and being with my friends relaxes me. 我通常很忙,不过我总会尽量留出时间和朋友相处。...
As a result, at the same time, some parts of the country can be dark and other parts can be light. 因此,在同一时间,国家的一些地区可能是黑夜,而其他地区可能是白天。 As you travel around the earth, the time changes. 当你环游地球时,时间会发生变化。
After you have Invocated the king in this manner twise or thrice over, then conjure ye spirit you would have calld forth by the aforsaid conjurations rehearsing them severall times together, and he will come without doubt if not at ye first or second time rehearsing. But if he doth no...
I'm pretty busy in general, but I always try to set aside some time to hang out with friends. I guess I see them once a week, usually at weekends. It's important to keep a good work life balance and being with my friends relaxes me. ...
-Colleen ___ her engagement rings, shoving it in the face of almost anyone who came near her. -This word is very often confused with flout. flout ; to disregard something out of disrespect. -A driver ___ the traffic laws by driving through red lights and knocking down pedestrians. -To...
Just let me explain. W: I ... I tried to get here in time but just after I left home, the car broke down. M: The car broke down? W: Yes, and ... well ... luckily ... there was a garage near me. And ... and it took them a while to repair it. M: Why didn’t ...
A word like “environmentally friendly” is not easily mixed up with anything else, buthuánbǎo(环保) has many near-homophones in Mandarin that only differ in one tone, initial or final. In general, languages tend to convey the same amount of information per unit of time (Coupé et al....