This office supplies store tries to make things easy, even for its part-time employees. After 90 days of service, all part-time associates are eligible for a fixed-benefit health insurance plan. According to the Staples benefits page, the employee contribution is a reasonable $20.96 per paychec...
Here is a large fancy Time Share Condo. As Marie and I were walking along their beach front path a charming young man asked if he could help us. Before we knew it, we were being given a guided tour of the place, and encouraged to go into the office to learn more about the "wonder...
Her current hourly rate works out between $45-$60 depending on how close her jobs are together. One of her goals is to get more customers in a closer geographic area. This will allow her to cut down on travel time between jobs and increase her hourly rate. She currently has one employe...
Once you find yourself turning away fun jobs in your new skillset because you “have to go to work”, maybe then you should quit your day job. Time is the key ingredient in all these cases. You have to want to spend your time well, and be willing to give up some pleasures (gaming...
Time 14:06 Something I didn’t mention in last week’s rant, and that was the good impression you get when you first approach the staff room on Platform 1. I was pretty sure nobody would believe me – but I did happen to have a digital camera on me this morning and managed to get...
“‘I think Canadians are going to have a much more difficult time getting crude to market than we may expect and that’s because of the delays in the (Northern) Gateway and Keystone (pipelines),’ said Byron Lutes, chief executive of Southern Pacific…. Unlike pipelines, that means no ...
He was pushing 50 and still on the federal payroll in a regional office. That’s when you want to find a big case and get out. And so he went looking for leads in meetings like this, which were mostly yawners—until now. By the time Force heard about Silk Road, it had been aroun...
H does bills and admin, garage/ garden / bins I do everything else and also have a cleaner once a week thankfully On a daily basis I'm responsible for the children day and night unless they're at nursery ( including sick days ). Night time is also completely me, by myself. ...
heart. The future appears bleak, but we are descended from rebels and dissenters. Our descent into darkness is not a forgone conclusion. The current path should be unacceptable to any citizen who cares about future unborn generations. It is time to fight for your country. If not now, then ...
Will I give up Windows? Not anytime soon. But I’m not so stuck in my ways as to admit that OSX has its place and can do everything that Windows can (sometimes just easier). Thanks for not being afraid to say how it is!