Worked a part-time job.P5Rtrophy Working Student Work in part-time jobs 15 times.Thieves Den35P Persona 5: The Phantom X Trivia References Expand Persona 3 Expand Persona 4 Expand Persona 5 Expand Persona 5: The Phantom X Expand Mechanics...
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中考过后,很多同学想利用假期干些无酬劳(unpaid part-time job)的兼职来锻炼自己,可是一些家长却持反对态度。他们认为打工既耽误时间,又不安全。请你以“Should teenagers be allowed to do part-time jobs”为题写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。注意:1. 词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);2. 不得透露学校,...
Alas, part-time employment was what she was able to secure an offer on – after much searching for full-time jobs. Chalk it up to the state of employment in this country, with employers looking to limit benefits due and “test” new hires out. We figured, with hard work, a full-time...
I wasn't afraid of hard work or sacrifice (牺牲). Everyone had to dig deeper these days and put in extra hours. I knew I was blessed to have two jobs when millions of people couldn't find one.How I hoped to quit my job at the day care and complete a degree full-...
We scheduled all that when I saw him Wednesday, and today he said he was very excited to see me in Phillipsburg next week because that’s the gym he spends the most time in and it’s less cluttered. When I left the hospital today, everything hurt. But I was proud. Functional ...
4Part-time Jobs Studentsare increasingly finding it necessary to obtain employment in order tosubsidize their income during their time in higher education. Theextraincome helps to pay for necessities,to maintain a social life and to buy clothes, and holding a part-time job helpsstudents togainski...
jobs or part-time jobs because that is all they can get. The other day I went to a large retail store and I got into a conversation with the lady who was checking me out. She said that she had worked professional jobs all her life, and that she had taken this job to tide her ...
time. Going to your first party, the first time you hear your favourite song, the first time you tell someone you like them and so on. Even musically I pulled influence from bands that my big brother used to play when he was driving me places at that age, like the really messy surf...
Last time I checked, video games were supposed to be fun, not work! My cartridge contained a battery back-up that allowed me to skip ahead to the previous owner's spot to get a peek at the advanced stages. That's right - 17 years old and the battery is still working! I know a...