In her own words: "The number of jobs didn't go down, it went up, because you had this new and mysterious group of programmers, which offered a great new career to male clerks. For them it was splendid. But it brought some dreadful jobs for women, because this terrible punch-operating...
By using software sensors, hardware sensors, and Encapsulated Remote Switched Port Analyzer (ERSPAN) sensors across the data center infrastructure, the Tetration platform can support both existing (brownfield) and new (greenfield) deployments. Software sensors also act as enforcement points for...
I am (We are?) such a cliché. Mid to late thirties, so done with our jobs. I had taken a chance with a job outside of my industry in a position for which I seemed quite well suited. It turned out that the position was not well suited for me. It had been a year of struggle...
which is still ramping up. This was partly due to newer technology (e.g. 20 ksi drilling and wellhead equipment), partly in a fall of development costs along with the price drop and partly from an expectation, plus some fast tracked near field discoveries. In retrospect possibly misguided, ...
Desirable conditions, such as clean air, low rates of disease, equality, economic security, and a high degree of social welfare, are seen as the product of functional societal cognition, extended over time. In this view, the intrinsic purpose of societal cognition is to achieve and sustainably...