We are the best retirement jobs resource on the Internet, and we aim to help find excellent temporary and part time jobs for retirees, boomers and seniors.
1Part-time Job for Old PeopleWe're looking for retired(退休的)adultswho would like to work part-time onweekends.Their jobs include answering thetelephone,showing the way and welcomingcustomers.For more information,contact(联系)usby calling 366-7643.We Need Shop Assistants!We need 3 part-time ...
part-time, seasonal job or project assignment, or would like to post your resume or set a job alert to notify you should a job be posted that matches your experience and interests
part-time work can be the answer. But not all part-time jobs are created equal. Some are better for older workers than others. Let’s face it: no matter how fit you are, you’d probably prefer to leave the physically challenging stuff to younger workers who aren’t as...
Unless you are a teen or a college student or a retired person, most likely you would prefer to be working a full-time job. Most people do not actually have the goal of working part-time. Most part-time jobs pay very poorly and offer very few benefits. ...
. used to find part-time jobs . over travelled with his family. . worked hard as a real travel agent7. What does the author mainly confirm by writing the text? . Health is more important than work . Young people generally live an exhausting life. . More retired people are paying ...
Part-time jobs are easier to manage for those who are juggling multiple life commitments, such as children. Moms and dads can spend more time at home when working part-time, especially if the position is remote. You Are Retired A part-time job is ideal if you are retired. You have ...
A.part-time jobs and studying. B.late night parties and studying. C.part-time jobs and marriage. D.marriage and insomnia. 点击查看答案 第2题 Which position is most suitable for a retired person?A.Part-time Shop Assistant.B.Teaching Which position is most suitable for a retired person...
Because the recent financial crisis has drastically reduced the value of their retirement accounts, as well as the equity in their homes, half of workers plan to remain employed after they retire, mostly in part-time jobs, a recent survey shows.
Alternatives for online part-time jobs #1. Surveys #2. Test Websites Here are some flexible online part-time jobs: #1. Appen Appenis one of the five crowdsourcing companies that has many independent contractor positions in fields like translation, data annotation, web research, and social media...