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He explained that the white sand comes from coral reefs, which over time , disintegrate into sand and wash ashore. Now aren't you glad you know that? What do you think of all those wild flowers?? The interestingly shaped mountains that we see have all, or mostly all, been given interes...
Answer:I see them almost every day. Every time I go out, I see someone waving his/her hands at me and I do the same whenever I see them. Besides, some of our neighbours who walk in the park in the morning often exchange greetings with me. In terms of visiting each other, we go ...
part-time-job-英语作文 Part-time jobs are a great way for students to earn some extra cash while gaining valuable experience. I've been working part-time at a local coffee shop for a few months now, and it's been an absolute blast. Every morning, I get up early and head to work....
if any topic came up that he didn’t wish to share with me, I’d tell him to just let me know and I would change the subject. Any time he decided to stop, the conversation was over. Over the years I’ve only had one adolescent girl say that she did not want to talk. But lat...
jobs or part-time jobs because that is all they can get. The other day I went to a large retail store and I got into a conversation with the lady who was checking me out. She said that she had worked professional jobs all her life, and that she had taken this job to tide her ...
Throughout college, I found myself torn between growing up and saving the whole "adult thing" for after graduation. One factor in this mental balancing act was working part-time. I needed the money, but I didn't want a job to take up all of my free time.
my little Annabel was no nymphet to me;I was her equal, a faunlet[3]in my own right, on that same enchanted island of time; but today, in September 1952, after twenty-nine years have elapsed, I think I can distinguish in her the initial fateful elf in my life. We loved each othe...
house. Its good to have a pot luck, where each person will bring food or drink and we'll just put it all together and sit around chatting or playing games. We could start in the morning, but before we know it it'll be the evening. Like they say, "Time flies when you're having...
visit and was directed to “include that in the patient survey when you get it.” Obviously people in the office don’t understand how those surveys work and how it would have been easier to take my feedback real time then for me to put it in writing. Or maybe they just don’t ...