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Chichester: Wiley. Google Scholar Stegmeijer, E., R. Kloosterman, and T. Lupi. 2012. Bouwen op een sterk fundament. Een tussenevaluatie van het architectuurbeleid. Den Haag: Nicis Institute/Platform 31. Sutherland, N., R. Bolden, G. Edwards, and D. Schedlitzki. 2022. Putting ...
2nd ed. Chichester: BMJ Books; 2010. 8. Reason JT. Managing the risks of organizational accidents. Aldershot, Hants; Brookfield: Ashgate; 1997. 9. Frankel A, Haraden C, Federico F, Lenoci-Edwards J. A framework for safe, reliable and effective care. White Paper: Institute for ...
Chichester, UK: Wiley. . 2013. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. 5th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Baltagi, B. H., and Y.-J. Chang. 1994. Incomplete panels: A comparative study of alternative estimators for the unbal- anced one-way error component regression model. Journal of ...
佳能VS尼康:Mine's bigger than yours,作者为 sagesolar from Chichester, United Kingdom; 照片中的两位摄影师,看上去如同正在运用 One-upmanship 的技艺,攀比谁的摄影装备功能更强大、镜头焦距更长;两个人的 Gear 碰巧分别是由佳能和尼康两家公司制造,这两个品牌的孰优孰劣、红圈和金圈镜头那个更好,也确实是不...
Van der Heijden, K.Scenarios, the Art of Strategic Conversation; John Wiley: Chichester, UK, 1996. [Google Scholar] De Geus, A. Planning as learning.Harv. Bus. Rev.1988,66, 70–74. [Google Scholar] Chermack, T.J. Studying scenario planning: Theory, research suggestions, and hypotheses....