根据文中“Rose Hotel part-time work”一段的“Come in (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) or call Mina at: 6123-8745(after 6 p.m.).”意思是:进来(上午8点到下午6点)或致电米娜:6123-8745(下午6点后)。因此结合选项,A意思是早上8点;B意思是早上10点;C意思是下午5点;D意思是下午7点。因此答案为D。
Part-time (兼职) Jobs for Students Babysitter(临时保姆) Need We need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5 and 7 after school from4:30p.m. to 6:30p.m., Monday to Friday. $ 100 a week Call Vicky at 6783-4521 Rose Hotel Part-time Work We are looking for part-time ...
Find legitimate online part-time jobs for students to work from home. Earn extra cash while studying. Start applying now!
Part-time jobs are providing students with money that they have hard-earned. Students who opt to work will always have better self-confidence. They will feel the financial independence. Some students have to work a part-time job to provide for their tuition or to pay the student loans. Some...
《part-time-jobs-for-students.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《part-time-jobs-for-students.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 Part timeJobsforStudents Introduction Inmanycountriesitiscommonforteenagerstotakepart timejobswhiletheyarestillinhighschool InChina highschoolstudentsareexpectedtospend...
Part-time(兼职的) Jobs for Students Holiday Job Newspaper Delivery Do you want to make some money this We need young people to deliver newspapers on summer? Can you speak another language? We Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. The newspaper need French, Spanish or German speakers to ...
Part-time(兼职的)jobs for studentsBabysitter(临时保姆)needed We need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5 and 7 after school from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday. $100 a week. Call Vicky at 6783-4521. Rose Hotel part-time work We are looking for part-time ...
What part-time jobs can international students apply for in China? It’s usually a part-time job in the company, preferably related to your major. You are not allowed to work in any other company except for visa approval. When you have an internship visa, you can get paid. ...
part-time-jobs-for-students Part-timeJobsforStudents Introduction •Inmanycountriesitiscommonforteenagerstotakepart-timejobswhiletheyarestillinhighschool.•InChina,highschoolstudentsareexpectedtospendalloftheirtimeontheirstudiesandconsiderschoolworktheir"job".Butwhentheyenterthecollege,some‘youngadults’choose...
Are part-time jobs good for students? Part-time jobs can be a great way for students to earn extra spending money and add real-world work experience to their resumes before graduation. However, whether or not a part-time job is good for a student depends on the individual. ...