“Nobody ever thinks they’re going to be into bugs and chemistry when they grow up,” he said. “It’s not like, ‘I want to be a firefighter. I want to be an astronaut.’ Nobody thinks that they want to go out there whacking bugs or says, ‘I want to be in pest control....
Prepositions of Time (part 2); Like, Need, Want Lesson 3 page 97 Verbs + Objects; Object Pronouns Lesson 4 page 104 Imperatives Review the Grammar page 111 Connect the Grammar to Writing page 114 79 LESSON 1 Simple Present: Affirmative Statements EXPLORE 1 READ the article about Doctor Bugs...
Jason spends most of his time around home with the family. He got to do a lot of riding of his bicycle during the summer when the weather was nice. Keeping things up around the house keeps him busy. He has also settled into his part time job at our church doing various jobs. Initial...