这则笑话的笑点在“retail store”上,它的意思是“零售店”,但是在英语里,一个名词或动词加上前缀re-可以表示“重新,再”的意思,后面的“tail”是“尾巴”的意思,因此,妈妈为了安慰伤心的女儿,说可以去零售店弄到一条尾巴,她把“retail”巧妙地理解成了“重新得到一条尾巴”。 065 Grow Tired 种累 外国人讲...
2:Do you have many books at home? Yes, every month I go to the bookstore near my home to borrow some books I am interested in. In my bedroom, I have a medium-sized(中等规模) bookshelf to accommodate(容纳)my favorite books. And I will pick up any of them and look through some ...
It’s possible that day at the grocery store where a stranger was rude in passing, it was just their “hard day” and who am I to judge? As if I haven’t experienced such a day. Sadly, for a very long time those were all of my days for weeks at a time. On the other side o...
… import {Marker} from "react-mapbox-gl"; const StoreMarker: React.FC<{isSelected: boolean, coordinates: [number, number]}> = ({isSelected, coordinates}) => { return <Marker coordinates={coordinates}> {isSelected ? <MarkerPinSelected className={'shadow-lg cursor-pointer'}/> : <Mar...
Her friend and her husband are living near the center of the city. 她的朋友和丈夫住在市中心附近。 He works for a start-up company in Silicon Valley. 他在硅谷一家刚起步的公司工作。 While he is working, she works part-time at a department store. 他工作期间,她在一家百货公司兼职。 Christi...
Ms. Green has been lining in town for only one year, yet she seems to be with eveivnne u hn coiTiies tn the store. -4^ A. accepted b. admitted C. dtlipih td' D. acquainted [A] accepted-按受,按纳:, [BJ adTM 疋 cr 准讦加入(俱乐部、组垠):揍收(入学)“ [C] ychnrry 濡...
a shopping mall like M&L is a 15 stories building and this comprises more than 150 shops of different brands. Alternatively you can pick a brand shopping mall like Hallmark which is a single shopping store. Say the location of the building or mall in regards to the prominent landmarks of...
Robin: It’s next to the bookstore.它靠近书店。 science museumpost officebookstorecinemahospital 科学博物馆邮局书店电影院医院 Make a map and talk There is a pet hospital in my city.在我的城市里有一家宠物医院。 Where is it?它在哪里? It’s near the park.它在公园附近。 pet hospitalpark ...
Tom: Excuse me. Where is the bookstore? Amy: It's 1. ___ ___ the hotel on 2. ___ Street. Tom: How can I get there? Amy: 3. ___ ___ and 4. ___ ___ at the post office. Then go straight to the crossing. The bookstore is on your 5. ___. Tom: Thanks a lot...
Is there a bookstore near here? 附近有书店吗? Yes,it's straight ahead around the comer. 有,就在前面的拐角处. Thank you very much. лл. Can you direct me to...? 您指给我去...路,好吗? Can you direct me to Holiday inn? 请问到最近的医院怎么走? Walk straihgt on. Cross the...