H e was elected an Associate of this Institution on the 20th February, 1835,-served the officeof Auditor in the year 1840,-and contributed several original Papers to the Meetings? H e was a very constant attendant at the Meetings, taking part in the discussions, and was always ready to ...
OBITUARY. JOHN MEESON PARSONS, 1798-1870.OBITUARIES252 NEIEOIP.8. having been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in 1868. Under medical advicehe spentthewinterandearlyspring of 1870 in Italy and the South of France. He arrived in England on the 2nd of May, and died at Bath, of...
OBITUARY; Clive Parsons
Obituary: Geoffrey ParsonsIf I had to choose one word to describe the playing of GeoffreyParsons, it would be...By VignolesRoger
James H. Parsons, FPSA, Hon. NEC: Monroe, Connecticut.(Passings)(Obituary)Gorrill, Robert
OBITUARY. THE RT. HON. WILLIAM PARSONS, THIRD EARL OF ROSSE, 1800-1867.OBITUARIESTELESCOPES584 MEMOIRS. He was a Commander of the Legion of Honour, a Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit, of the Italian Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus, and a member of numerous scientific bodies on ...
ENGINEERSOBITUARY. 451 OBITUARY. THE IIOX. SIK CHARLES ALGERXON I'ARSOSS,' O.Jf., I<.c.E., F.R.S., youngest son of the distinguished astronomer William Parsons, third Earl of Rosse, was born in London on the 13thJune, 1854. He spent his boyhood at the family seat, Birr Castle...
Obituary: Terry ParsonsTHE FINEST moment of Terry Parsons's snooker career came in 1982when, at the age of 47, he...By BaxterTrevor
Obituary.] ALEXANDER THEODORE LAVALLEY. 385 Normandy, on the 20th of July, 1892, from the effects of an operntion for cataract, from which he had for some time suffered. He possessed those qualities of was a man of highcharacter,and prescience and enterprise which combine to make the ...