By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all Explore Learning Pathways White papers, Ebooks, ...
don't expect GPU-PV to work. If it has a port of some kind, attach a HDMI/D-Port dummy or something. Without a display, the driver on the host PC will more or less assume the VM has no display also, in a way. Most laptops do not have a display wired to the GPU, or a por...
+ Connecting to the same Host PC and Wi-Fi router, Sunshine GameStreaming managed to stream smoothly to Android and iPhone as compared to Steam Link and Rainway, thanks to Sunshine GameStream’s super low latency. Sunshine GameStream advantages over Moonlight GameStream + Forked f...
My original board was a 2 layer board with controller ports either side. Quite liked that design but it's not what people wanted. I hand solder all my boards too, very time consuming. Not really worth paying assembly prices for what people are willing / expecting to pay for a supergun....
Before connecting, the virtual display looks in theHKLM\SOFTWARE\Parsec\vddregistry for additional preset resolutions. Currently this supports a maximum of 5 values. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Parsec\vdd: -key:[0 -> 5]value:{ width, height, hz }
// This delegate does not imply the connecting scene or session are new (see `application:configurationForConnectingSceneSession` instead). // Create the SwiftUI view that provides the window contents. let contentView = ContentView() // Use a UIHostingController as window root view ...
return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } func application(_ application:UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions:Set<UISceneSession>) { // Called when the user discards a scene session. // If any sessions were disca...
If you're on macOS, changeResolutionto match the resolution of your personal system. You can find this out by clickingApple > About this Mac > Displays. If you don't do this, connecting via Parsec will fail to change the resolution of the server to match your system. Windows/Linux users...
An open-source Parsec client for iOS/iPadOS. This repo implements mouse & keyboard & touch screen support. - OpenParsec/OpenParsec/MainView.swift at 0ac2a8ccafc17b2364fac84e221d446873e988f1 · hugeBlack/OpenParsec
return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } func application(_ application:UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions:Set<UISceneSession>) { // Called when the user discards a scene session. // If any sessions were di...