+ 为大写 / 为小写 MM.DLL / mm.dll + 安装路径 C:\Windows\System32\drivers\UMDF\mm.dll + 文件描述 Parsec Virtual Display Driver + 版本 + 产品名称 Parsec Virtual Display Driver + 描述 空值 + 公司名称 Parsec + 版权 © Parsec Cloud, Inc. ...
<system:String x:Key="t_msg_please_install_driver">Please install the driver first.</system:String> <system:String x:Key="t_msg_driver_status_not_ok">The driver is not OK, please check again. Current status: {0}.</system:String> <system:String x:Key="t_msg_failed_to_obtain_handle...
As far as I know, the drivers used could be a problem. gfx_win_101.4146 is the one that works for me. My VF is correctly identified by Windows and the VF in Device Manager dose not show any error code. Yes, just happened to me, too. I was able to remove the driver and use thi...
SelectDisplay Adaptersin the list of Drivers to unfold the options. Right-click on yourgraphics carddriver. SelectUpdate Driver. Click onSearch automatically for drivers The driver is responsible for allowing a computer to independently control video cards, computer applications, sound cards, and other...
+ 为大写 / 为小写 MM.DLL / mm.dll + 安装路径 C:\Program Files\Parsec Virtual Display Driver\driver\mm.dll + 文件描述 Parsec Virtual Display Driver + 版本 + 产品名称 Parsec Virtual Display Driver + 描述 空值 + 公司名称
Query the driver status and version. ```sh vdd -v ``` Example output: ``` Parsec Virtual Display Adapter - Status: OK - Version: 0.45 ``` Here is the list of possible status and its code: ```js 0 OK - Ready to use 1 INACCESSIBLE - Inaccessible 2 UNKNOWN - Unknown status 3 UN...
OK well that broke the virtual display driver. Please reinstall Parsec, select the per-computer option. When it has installed, sign in, then go to C:\ProgramData\Parsec and add the below two lines to the config.txt file. Reboot and connect via Parsec. host_virtual_monitors = 1 host_priv...
For Nvidia: If you see DirectX / D3D11 / D3D9 errors, your driver may be crashing, or your VM's copy of the driver might not match the copy on the PC that the VM is running on. For laptops: If your GPU has no display wired directly to it, don't expect GPU-PV to work. If ...
When the driver is installed, you'll be advised whether or not you need to reboot. If you rebooted, use the steps outlined in step 1 to re-connect to your system via RDP. At this point you should configure Parsec (double-click the Parsec icon on your desktop). I used the following ...
Show(this, $"Parsec Virtual Display v{version}\n" + $"{App.GetTranslation("t_msg_driver_status")}: {status}", App.NAME, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); Program.AppName, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } private void ExitApp(object sender, EventArgs e)...