这是我的Haskell代码,当我尝试在GHCI解释器中运行此代码时,我收到以下错误: ascending.hs(File_name):4:13:Parseerrorinpattern:lengthFailed,modulesloaded:none. Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 谁能告诉我这个bug在哪里? haskellparse-error ...
The following piece of Haskell code is SOMETIMES incorrectly parsed as containing a series of top-level splices. id :: a -> a id x = x const x y = x fib :: Integer -> Integer fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) Specifically...
The match method provides a poor-man's equivalent to Haskell's pattern-matching. It could be used, for example, to extract the result from a Reply:<A> A getResult(Reply<A> reply) { return reply.match( ok -> ok.result, error -> {throw new RuntimeException("Error");} ); }...
Execute code in Ghci, and pull some of the results back into the Python namespace. '''args =parse_argstring(self.ghci, line)ifcellisNone: code =''else: code = celltry: text_output = self._ghci.run(code, verbose=args.verbose)except(ghci2py.Ghci2PyError)asexception: msg = excepti...
"LAboratory for the B method in hASKELl" "La méthode B en hASKELl" This tool parse the "B Method" language in Haskell. Nothing more right now. What's done basic pretty-printer generating random BTree with Quickcheck testing with Quickcheck (printing, parsing and printing again must give an...