Great green Buffon’s macaw. Photo by acephotos / Macaw Reproduction Macaw pairs, who partner for life, breed during the wet season, which is November to April. Not every pair produces an egg, but those that do lay 1-4 eggs per season. Female macaws spend most of the tim...
Now don’t get me wrong here, I’m not bashing birds or bird lovers, I’m just stating the facts that I wish someone had given me before my boyfriend and I decided to purchase a parrot. They are noisy, messy, dirty, poop machines, that can’t be disciplined, and rejoice in doing...
Wish some people would get their facts straight, that's how rumors/gossip/urban legends start ... Read this re: parrot project. Joan Birdwell of El Cajon, CA on 2009-08-14 said: The...
This book has everything you need to know about caring for animals --It's full of facts and helpful tips. Written by author and vet Dr. Jess French,it gives lots of information about some of the most popular pets—such a...