We present a proposal that has its roots in the long history of the Didactics of Geography, which combines the tradition of geographical excursionism with a work methodology according to the evolution of current technologies and the application of geoinformation. Developed...
55. Ruta desde la Mortera de Saliencia al Collado de la Magdalena, para a través del Camín Real llegar a la Braña y Puerto de la Mesa El Camín Real de la Mesa o Calzada Romana - La aldea de Saliencia en Somiedo - La Mortera y los Teitos de Saliencia - La Ruta de las...
塞万提斯之家博物馆天气3℃/11℃ La Passion Cafe天气3℃/11℃ Parque Ribera De Castilla天气3℃/11℃ Convento de Las Francesas天气3℃/11℃ Estacion de Esqui Puerto de Navacerrada天气3℃/11℃ Casa Museo Jose Zorrilla天气3℃/11℃ Basic-Fit Valladolid Calle de Labradores天气3℃/11℃ 阿尔卡萨尔...
The neighbors have no motivation to pay taxes to improve the parks, but to the need for more environmental education, in a district with a more individual than institutional environmental history.León De La Cruz, Carlos AlbertoRevista Luna Azul...