which affects children less than 1 year of age. Most commonly, it is caused by RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), but it can also be caused by influenza and other common viruses associated with upper respiratory symptoms such as fever, runny nose, and cough. A common symptom of bronchiolitis...
Obtain specimens for culture and PCR as soon as possible after onset of symptoms, particularly in vaccinated individuals. Positive serologic test for mumps IgM Significant rise between acute and convalescent titers in mumps IgG levels by any standard assay (complement fixation, neutralization, hemagglutin...
Disease incubation lasts between 17 and 21 days, and it is followed by a moderate fever and ear pain for one or two days. The child is contagious one week before symptoms and about 8 days after their occurrence. Inflammation of parotid glands first appear on one side, then both sides and...
Hereby, we describe, according to the STROBE guidelines, a series of 15 confirmed COVID cases with acute parotitis symptoms that were highly attributed to the direct infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS〤oV (Von Elm et al., 2007)....
Signs and Symptoms In this condition swelling of the face in front of ears below the jaw occurs. There may be redness over the face / upper neck on the affected side. With this facial or mouth pain occurs that is mostly felt while eating or opening mouth. There can also be decreased ab...
There was a significant difference in duration from the first onset of symptoms between the diffuse and focal types. Six of 8 patients showing focal type spread were associated with the concomitant occurrence of sialolith or Sjógren's syndrome. Extra-glandular spread was observed in 13 (6%) ...
Mr. S did not have any symptoms except some increased salivation. Clozapine was suspended, and eosinophils gradually began to decline to the normal range. Clozapine was subsequently re-started and there were no changes in eosinophil counts. Mr. S exhibited improvement of symptoms but complained ...
The complaints started two months ago following the upper respiratory symptoms, which was diagnosed as mumps. It was observed that the complaints had decreased with treatment but recurred. While recurrent parotitis is a rarely seen disease, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of ...
There was a significant difference in duration from the first onset of symptoms between the diffuse and focal types. Six of 8 patients showing focal type spread were associated with the concomitant occurrence of sialolith or Sjören's syndrome. Extra-glandular spread was observed in 13 (62%)...
IgM antibodies measured by ELISA developed soon after onset of symptoms; most patients had IgM antibodies from the second day, and the highest titres were reached within the first week. The antibody response in mumps parotitis did not ... P Ukkonen,K Penttinen,Marja㎜iisa Granström - 《Jour...