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agglutinations and deglutinations. We focus on the criteria regulating such processes and on the specific properties characterizing the words involved.RESTIVO, MARIA LAURALinguistica e Filologia
paradigmiMonopoli, D. y C. Cacciari (2009): "Il linguaggio letterale e figurato nelle descrizioni dell´esperienza sensoriale: l´olfatto e davvero un senso < >?", Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica, 1, pp. 147-162.
In my research I focused on ostensibly literary screenplays---screenplays which consciously draw from Italian literary culture and traditions. Consequently, I have favored an in-depth study of screenplays written by novelists and poets.Columbia University.;Capoferri, Federica.Columbia University....
Read the full-text online article and more details about Letter about Parole Threw Our Family All to Pieces; DEATH CASE: Victim's Parents Tell of Anguish as Woman Set to Be Freed from Jail.Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)