probation and paroleoptimal matching model of social supportSupervising agents serve as sources of social support for over one million women in the US on probation and parole who strive to avoid recidivism. Little is known about the supportive messages agents intend to provide their female clients ...
Lawmakers are working to determine where the Department of Parole and Probation went wrong and what is being done to prevent another tragedy like this from happening in the future An investigation after Agent Davis Martinez's death revealed several shortcomings within the department. One of...
Probationandparoleagentarrestauthority. Sponsoredby:JointJudiciaryInterimCommittee ABILL for ANACTrelatingtocriminalprocedure;eliminating1 authorityofprobationandparoleagentstomakearrests;2 andprovidingforaneffectivedate.3 4 BeItEnactedbytheLegislatureoftheStateofWyoming:5 ...
Young probation/parole officer toughens with experience. (Baltimore, Maryland, Home Detention Agent Rachelle White)(Best in the Business) Profiles Rachelle White, a probation and parole officer at the Home Detention Unit in Baltimore, Maryland. Job experiences and responsibilities; Characteri... S ...
In the belief that the improvement of the correctional process can come only with the separation of these two roles, the suggestion has been made that in the new organizational structure, the agent from the private agency should play the role of the helper and the agent from the government ...
release after a federal judge sentenced him for posing as a federal agent. According to court documents, Federal District Judge Fernando Rodríguez sentenced 29-year-old Cardenas Jr. to a 2-year prison sentence. And he ordered him to serve 3 years of supervised release and pay a $ 15,000 ...
Internet Probation and Parole Control, Inc. (King of Prussia, PA, US) Primary Class: 709/224 Other Classes: 709/225, 726/2, 726/5 International Classes: G06F15/173;G06F7/04 Field of Search: 709/223-225, 726/22, 726/26-28, 726/1-5 ...
According to court documents obtained by ET, de Lesseps violated her probation by testing positive on April 21 for presence of alcohol as evidenced by a failed remote breath test on a breathalyzer test administered by an agent with the New York County District Attorney. She then admitted to...
on probation and parole as the women strive for lives free of substance abuse and crime. Previous research has found that supervising agent communication patterns have a strong influce on these positive outcomes. Little is known, however, about the precursors to the conversational and conformity ...
Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services : parole and probation agent...William