One of the 39 parliamentary constituencies of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvannamalai Lok Sabha Constituency was formed after the 2008 delimitation of parliamentary constituencies. The total number of electorates in the Tiruvannamalai Lok Sabha Constituency (constituency number 11) according to Election Comm...
Farooq Abdullah of the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (JKN) secured victory in the Srinagar constituency during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, garnering 106,750 votes. Hasnain Masoodi, also from the JKN, emerged victorious in the Anantnag constituency with 40,180 votes. Mohammad Akbar Lone...
*Map of Dindigul Parliamentary Constituency.Disclaimer Close Disclaimer:All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same. ...
S.No Constituency Name 1 Chandni Chowk 2 North East Delhi 3 East Delhi 4 New Delhi 5 North West Delhi 6 West Delhi 7 South Delhi Andhrapradesh Elections | Arunachalpradesh Elections | Assam Elections | Bihar Elections | Chattisgarh Elections | Delhi Elections | Goa Election News | Gujarat Ele...
Kancheepuram Parliamentary Constituency Map, General (Lok Sabha) Election Results, winner, runner up, current sitting MP, list of Kancheepuram MP till date and other information about Kancheepuram parliamentary seat.
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