A voter casts her ballot at a polling station for the parliamentary elections in Vilnius, Lithuania, Oct. 13, 2024. (Photo by Alfredas Pliadis/Xinhua) VILNIUS, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The first round of Lithuania's parliamentary elections began on Sunday, with voters set to elect 141 members...
According to the Ghana Electoral Commission, more than 18 million eligible voters are registered to vote in this year's general elections. The polls are expected to close at exactly 5 p.m. local time (1700 GMT), to be followed by vote counting and declarations at the polling station levels...
Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn poses outside Islington Town Hall, north London, after handing in his nomination papers for the General Election on July 4, Wednesday June 5, 2024. (Lucy North/PA via AP) Jeremy Corbyn, who led the Labour Party into the general elections of 2017 and...
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2023 Early Parliamentary Elections in Slovakia: A Turning Point or Just a Further Episode in the Turbulent Post-Authoritarian Development?Mesenikov, GrigorijSüdosteuropa-Mitteilungen
its leader also has to secure 134 signatures on Thursday to make the party eligible to contest the 2024 elections. Reasons for this the DP did not contest the elections in 2020 and as such the Democratic Party was removed from the voters registry. Also ...
With just over two weeks to go until polling day, most parties have now released their manifestos. In this post,Lisa Jamessummarises their key pledges on the constitution, covering parliamentary reform, standards, the rule of law and rights protection, elections and public participation, media and...
Arzheimer, Kai. “Germany’s 2024 EP Elections: The Populist Challenge to the Progressive Coalition.” 2024 EP Elections under the Shadow of Rising Populism. Eds. Ivaldi, Gilles and Emilia Zankina. Brussels: European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), 2024. 179-191.doi:...
The right-wing populist parties that gained power during the EU elections have begun to rely on appeals to both populism and technocracy to gain power within the EU as well as their respective borders. Meloni’s party in Italy, the Fratelli d’Italia, is one o...
Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) party led the first round of France’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, taking it closer to the gates of power than ever before. After an unusually high turnout, the RN bloc clinched 33.15% of the vote, while the left-wing New Popular...