Time of cancellationwill be when notice is received in our Wilton Woods, CT office. In the event of an unforeseen circumstance beyond our control,Tauck reserves the right to amend the cancellation terms outlined herein. Note:All Guests, regardless of residency, who book a Tauck journey have the...
How to get there: Weir Farm is located at 735 Nod Hill Road, Wilton, CT 06897. The park is off Route 7. Where to Stay: There are plenty of lodging options in West Redding. Entrance Fee: Free Official Website: Click Here Map: Download National Park Service Photo Affiliate Sites of Co...
person Cancellation Fees without Tauck's Guest Protection Plan: 90 days or more before departure = $350 per person 89-8 days before departure = $600 per person 7-1 days before departure = $900 per person Time of cancellation will be when notice is received in our Wilton Woods, CT office...