Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第七季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx 打败Gryzzl的方法 别想了不可能的 Forgetit.Itsimpossible. 一百万年都行不通的没意义的我放弃了 Itsnotgonnaworkinamillionyears.Itspointless.Igiveup. 态度不错啊亲爱的 ...
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第六季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,好了 这是你的演讲稿 Okay, heres the text for your speech. 我加了几个段子 在结尾嘲笑了下Eagleton I added a few more jokes, slamming Eagleton at the end. 嗯 那是你对我说过最性感
Tell him he just won a free dinner from St. Elmo steak house. 我就是 Ron Swanson I'm Ron Swanson! 你收到了传票 祝你今天愉快 You've been served. Have a nice day. 我不喜欢你 I don't like you. 但我尊重你的努力 But I respect the effort. 哦天 传票吗 Oh, man, subpoena? 是哪个...
(redirected fromRecreation & Parks) Category filter: AcronymDefinition R&PRock & Pop R&PReligion & Philosophy R&PReasonable and Prudent(driving speed) R&PReligion & Politics R&PRing and Pinion R&PRecord and Play R&PResearch & Planning R&PRifle & Pistol(clubs) ...
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第五季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我来12个蛋和死动物的一部分 Im gonna get 12 eggs and part of a dead animal. 商家自选 拜托 谢谢 Dealers choice. Please and thank you. 你要点什么 Ann What can I get you, Ann? 我
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第四季第十八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,是我的新采访套装 Its my new interview outfit. 就像 嘿 很高兴见到你 Like, hey, nice to meet you. 等不及开始采访了 Cant wait for the interview. 嗯我--可能那个-- Um, I--maybe t
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第二季第二十三集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 潜在问题 Potentialproblem. 48号♥地的前仸所有人Norquist地♥产♥ ThepreviousownerofLot48,NorquistProperties, 声称政♥府♥坑了他们非法占用了这块地 isclaimingthegovernmentscrewedthembyillegallyseizingtheland. ...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 公园 tweep 中英文 hearts 剧本 recreation 很高兴能来这里女士们Wellit'sapleasuretobehere,ladies.我以为没人在乎我在市议会的时期呢Ididn'tthinkanybodyreallycaredaboutmytimeonthecitycouncil.哦我们在乎实话说您真的很鼓舞我Oh,wedo.Imean,youaresuchaninspiration.82岁依然如此...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 公园 andy 中英文 剧本 hearts recreation 天啊谢天谢地你醒了 OhmyGod,thankGodyou'reawake. 我太累了但我不想在你醒来之前睡着 I'msotired,butIdidn'twanttogotosleeptillyouwokeup. 你又一晚上没睡了吗-是啊 Wereyouupallnightagain?-Yes. 时差太疯了但我爱死了 Jet...